14 years of FlatMatters Online with Effraim Catlow

“14 years of Flatmattersonline, can you believe it?!!!
I’ve been stacking clips in between injuries for the last three and a half years. This edit for me has been a real case of going against the grain of what everyone else seems to be doing. The norm now seems to be most riders post their clips as soon as they have landed them straight onto the gram. For me, the gram is for leftover clips and photographs.
Videoparts are our album, I had this conversation with a few riders out in Abu Dhabi recently. There’s a lot of riders in the current scene with “no” albums or at least no a recent one. It seems really sad to me, there isn’t a right lot to watch right now “video part” wise unless you go back digging (which there is nothing wrong with).
How many times do you go back and watch a video on Instagram? For me, it’s rare and something I feel strongly about. The video part for me is still the holy grail, contests whilst they are great and have their place. They are forgotten about the week after, video parts can affect people’s lives for the better….”
–Effraim Catlow
Thanks for the support, Effraim! And thanks for all you do for bmx.