Dialing it in with Drake Velador

Latest custom team build from Profile’s Drake Valedor snagged at the Louisville Nationals.
We appreciate you, Drake!
All photos by John Pringle.
–Hyper Bikes Mission One Pro Cruiser Frame
–Fly Racing Aluminum Bars
— Profile Rear Elite Disk Hub w/ 3/8 Titanium Bolts and Elite Cog
–Sun Envy 24″ Rims
–Profile Push Stem 48mm
— Profile 15/20mm Front Elite Hub
–Profile Slim Pivotal Seat in Red/Black
–Profile Mini Mag Cranks 170mm with 6″ Titanium Spindle and 7075 Aluminum GDH Bolts
–Profile Custom 4-bolt Spline Spider in White
–Profile Classic 41t 4-bolt chainring in Black