November’s Coming Fire with Jeff Klugiewicz
This past month as been incredible, Started the month out by meeting up with the Fit bike crew in Chicago and showing them around Milwaukee, check these videos to catch up on that:
Milwaukee/Estabrook – watch?v=9n4BvSzt3hM
After all that I headed to Houston to meet up with the Profile team and the Madera team. I took a ton of photos and rode a ton, It was a blast!

It was so nice riding with a ton of old friends I hadn’t seen in a while. If you want to see a ton more photos check my Instagram @jklugiewicz!
Lastly I have started a new project with the locals around my area called 4atFour… Its a pretty simple Idea, 4 clips after hours at Four Seasons Skatepark in Milwaukee, WI. Check the first here and make sure you keep a look out for many more to drop in the future!
Thanks Matt and my invoice is in the compressed folder along with all of my receipts. I will send over the other sheets soon!
-Jeff Klugiewicz