Progress Eberwein Style.
“Every time I go riding with the boys, more and more progress takes place. A lot with my youngest this time, Mav. Gaining that balance control and confidence now, going down ALL of the banks at Jurupa Skatepark. Including the big one, on his own, I didn’t even suggest it to him haha.
Really cool to see him get the hang of it. It almost seems backwards to me, as he get better, picking up his feet and gaining more speed. One would think more risk and now he can fall more or easier. I definitely feel that both my boys look and feel better on there bikes now that they pick their feet up and roll distance now.
No feet to trip on or roll over, no bobbling from feet bouncing off the ground, AND come on it’s gonna be fun!
My oldest is trying to do surfers now too, just stoked on bikes as always and happy to see my boys have fun too. Looking forward to our future sessions, and teaching them more and more.”