
October 9, 2017

River Roast After Glow with Mike Saavedra

Words cannot begin to describe how grateful and humbled I am due to the support of our extended family we call BMX! It’s no secret that BMX is in a dire state. With more and more notable brands folding up and going home it’s up to us to create what we call bicycle motocross.

This was my first real attempt at a rider based event. Built on the idea that we create what we have, The River Roast was born. This event wasn’t meant to show who’s the baddest on the block but to show the rest of the world that bmx is alive and well in the hearts of us all. Thank you for coming out if you had the chance. Thank you for even clicking on the videos that are to come. We are bmx as a whole and we are not going anywhere. The River Roast will return next year with even more mayhem and good times! Huge thanks to Matt and Profile racing for believing in bmx and truly standing behind this one of a kind event!

Full edit coming soon!


Nothing to see here. Photo Brian Johnson

Processed with VSCO with l7 preset

From X games good to River Roast mud James Foster is one bad mofo photo Dallas Dunn


The line up was stacked! -Dallas Dunn

Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

Oh yea, did I mention we had mud wrestle? Photo Dallas Dunn


Little dudes beyond stoked !

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

The master Roaster him self Larry high air Edgar photo Dallas Dunn


Mayhem pure mayhem !

Catch the full edit on RideBMX and The come up this week!
Thanks again, you guys are BMX !

Mike Saavedra

October 9, 2017


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.