
August 20, 2018

Same/Not Same: July with Mark Mulville.

More rocket launches, bikes, beaches and good times…No complaints here!

Pic by Josh Miller

Like almost every month here on Florida’s space coast (besides when a hurricane hits), July was awesome. The sea breeze kept it a little more chill than the inland areas of Florida, which made it a little easier to ride outside in the middle of the day. I was lucky enough to make time for plenty of Bmx sessions at the local park, as well as the streets and the woods. No matter what I am riding, it’s a good time.
We also have been getting some small but fun waves pretty consistently! One of my favorite things to do before a long work day, is paddle out for an hour and catch some waves. It makes the rest of the day feel so much better!
Of course we had more rockets launch in July too! I mean it’s the Space Coast! We were lucky enough to have a late night launch, which was so amazing. The weather was perfect and everything lined up nicely.
All in all, July was great.
Mark Mulville

August 20, 2018


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.