
dave long

Dave Long: The Rowan Roast at San Lee Gravity Bike Park

Founded simply as a day to invite and ride with friends, the ‘Rowan Roast’ was created as a no-pressure, open-invite, monthly breakfast session at our new local park, Rowan Skatepark in Fayetteville, NC. During the month of August, the decision was made to host the following Rowan Roast at the […]

October 25, 2020

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Profile in the Wild #3 – by Dave Long

Over the course of last year, we received a couple emails from our friend Dave Long. The messages were simple, basically “here’s some renderings I did that involve both bmx and Profile components.” And although the intro message was simple, the drawings were detailed and complex. So we pried, and what came […]

February 9, 2020

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Profile in the Wild #2 – by Dave Long

Over the course of last year, we received a couple emails from our friend Dave Long. The messages were simple, basically “here’s some renderings I did that involve both bmx and Profile components.” And although the intro message was simple, the drawings were detailed and complex. So we pried, and what came […]

February 3, 2020

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Profile in the Wild – by Dave Long

Over the course of last year, we received a couple emails from our friend Dave Long. The messages were simple, basically “here’s some renderings I did that involve both bmx and Profile components.” And although the intro message was simple, the drawings were detailed and complex. So we pried, and what came […]

January 27, 2020

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We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.