The wild places Bmx can take you..
“Anyone who does shows or has seen a BMX show knows in the end its wild where your bike will bring you. Last night we did a demo or actually a show with 30 models, tons of hair stylists, and a crew of dancers at Epcot for Redken. Usually we are fruity and glitters spilling off our faces or worse yet air brushed. Lot of the directors have visions but to ride a bike in all of this and on a small stage is real tough to do. We had to dumb down the show but still get three of us on the same page. Rob quoted what we were doing as a scene in “Zoolander” and the models look like “Avatar”. Well with Robs thinning hair and Scotts lack of hair I got thrown into the mix. And since it was a show about hair they had scott and rob wear hats and I went with the barbers vision. With only had like 3 haircuts in the past few years…why not. Show time we killed it, ate a good spread of food, said good bye to the models, and brought my heavy hair sprayed head home to go camping…Where my bike brings me. Go check out @bmxtrickstars @theweavbmx @chaddegroot to see more.”
-Chad Degroot