And That’s A Wrap…
“I hope everyone had plenty of enjoyable, happy, thoughtful times over the recent holidays. Despite the pandemic we are currently in, the world seems to function. All of my holiday times and visits with friends and family were great and very refreshing. Like many things, you don’t realize what you have until it’s interrupted. That’s not any special phrase, but just a reality check of a sentence nonetheless. Typical busy and the not so busy times, I was sure to be doing something with family, or the boys, and of course BMX. Bike rides around the neighborhood, building the new pump track for the boys, and slowly getting back a riding compound for myself that’s gonna make an enjoyable watch of an edit, hopefully.
Not much more to say, hopefully everyone else in this world found time to do or make something happen that’s been on a to-do list for some time or so. Looking forward to a new year, hopefully it’s bringing happiness, hopefulness, and love. Happy holidays everyone, here’s to another one.”
-Jared Eberwein