
November 28, 2017

Jared Eberwein paving the way.

“I got my son a strider bike for his first birthday, I didn’t really have any knowledge of how to judge when or how young a kid/baby would be able to find interest in it or be capable of even doing it. Shortly after my wife and I got him a bike, we started learning from others that it would be a while longer before my son Brockton would be able to use it properly, but he still fell in love with it right off the bat which was plenty satisfying for me. Babies do that a lot though, one thing is the best thing in the world one minute, next minute forgotten haha. Literally about 2 weeks ago, end of sept. 2017, my wife took him to the skatepark I grew up at while I was out of town. He got in there and just started picking up his feet and balancing all on his own!! I was completely blown away! I don’t want to sound confident and say he’s probably picked up on it from watching me ride his whole life, but damn he just did it, and really good at that! I was so stoked to see it, and then a couple days later I was able to take him again and be there, ride bikes together with my son at a place thats the reason why I started riding was such an unreal feeling. He was already so much better than his first trip to the skatepark as well. I’m so surprised at his love and braveness because he’s a bit of a skittish boy sometimes. I’m definitely not going to push anything on him ever, but as long as he wants to keep riding, I’ll always be there for him and just have another best friend to ride with!”
-Jared Eberwein
Jurupa (5 of 10) Jurupa (8 of 10) Jurupa (2 of 10) Jurupa (7 of 10) Jurupa (3 of 10) Jurupa (1 of 10)

November 28, 2017


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.