
April 15, 2020

March Madness with Mark Mulville

So, how do we start this off…
March has been, well, different. With the entire world affected by covid-19, and the social distancing and most businesses being closed, it’s just been weird. However, I’ve been trying to stay busy and active as much as possible, while also avoiding most people. I try to limited my interactions with people to 1 or 2 at a time and keep it outdoors & 6 feet away.

Mulville practicing extreme social distancing.

I’m thankful to live walking distance to the beach/surf and I’m glad I started building some little wooden obstacles to ride at home too. I’ve also been cruising with one person at a time lately, riding streets and trails, as well as solo at the local parks before they shut down recently.

DIY has become the new mandatory.

Besides surf and bmx, my adventure game has been strong and has proven to be the best way to social distance from society! I’ve been wandering the woods, backroads and farmlands, in search of natural beauty, all wildlife, finding new bald eagles nests and checking in on some that I’ve been visiting for years. Besides the lack of group interaction, it hasn’t been so bad really…The worst part of it all (from my immediate view), is so many people losing their jobs and hearing about so many others getting sick from this stupid virus, and some even dying.

What the trails avail.

I hope everyone stays safe out there and stays sane!

Melbourne sub staple.

Thanks a bunch to everyone in the medical field and law enforcement too! We will get through this someday.

Mark M.
Street fufanu shot by: Zach Ozment
Surf shot by: Frankie Tuzcu
The rest by me.

April 15, 2020


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.