Mark Mulville: From Asheville right into Hurricane Matthew.
So far, October has been one hell of a ride…
It started out with a nice trip up to the Asheville, NC area for long time friend, Luis Pinzon’s wedding. While there, my lady and I were able to squeeze some mountain adventures in too. Such a beautiful area.
After the NC trip, the weather seemed to be pretty good for a bit, and I was able to get some good bmx sessions in, until I heard the news of hurricane Matthew!
Once the track was set for the storm, it was said to be coming straight to Cape Canaveral….the small island I live on!
There was a mandatory evacuation for the barrier islands, so I snuck away inland to Orlando to wait out the storm. We ended up getting pretty lucky, as the storm just barely took a turn for the better, but not that much better.
Once I returned back home to the island, I noticed 85% of people’s fences were down or gone, massive road signs & business signs demolished, trees of all sizes up rooted or blown away, roofs half gone, and much much more.
It wasn’t as bad as it was said to be, but still not a walk in the park. But, we survived and I’m off to go ride my bike in the sunshine now, just 3 days after a massive hurricane rolled through town.
– Mark M.