
October 3, 2018

The hottest month on record: Mark Mulville


Oppo leaner pic: shot by, Josh Miller

I’ve rode so much this month, that I feel like a kid again! It’s been amazing! My buddy, Josh and myself have been wander around a bunch lately on street and park missions, heading out any chance we both can…typically early mornings before work for a couple hours. It’s also perfect timing to beat the midday summer heat.


Oppo table: shot in Pittsburgh by, Bobby Valentine

I also decided last minute to take a weekend trip up to Pittsburgh to see all my yinzer buddies. Bobby V. And myself rode all over he place for a few days! We also were lucky enough to catch a solid session at the Halahan’s! Those boys have built up a masterpiece in their yard. The jumps were good sized and built amazing! So stoked to finally visit there and also just stoked to be around that family!


Surf pic: shot in Costa Rica by, Darren Kaye

On a non bmx related note, I took another last minute trip to Costa Rica for a quick weekend of surf! As usual, it was beautiful and incredible there! On a bmx note, I did run into two legendary Costa bmx riders, Kenneth Tencio and Sebastian Chavez!


Alligator pic: by me

Obviously I wandered he woods and swamps for gators..that’s a given!


Mark Mulville


Woods table: shot in Pittsburgh by, Murphy Moschetta


Toboggan: Josh Miller


October 3, 2018


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.