The Ol’ Sage Speaks.

My first wisdom Wednesday talk. I’m way better expressing myself on my bike but feel this went very well. Standing up speaking to Doctors, surgeons, nurses, execs, and professionals within a hospital setting explaining our view on Motivation and creativity, Innovation and leadership, but also disruptive change was rewarding. This talk touches on key points of community, taking risks, future of skateparks, olympics, fund raising (including state grants), unaware and uneducated people, how to not alienate kids, leadership, and to not being a lemming. Our passion runs deep. Also, as a treat they allowed me to do a few tricks inside the innovation lab. Surprise cake for James who turned 32 this day and he was so excited, so this really set the mood to start the talk.
Thank you AdventHealth innovation lab, Keely Rusinova, James T Covington, Kevin and Richard for this opportunity.
Enjoy, -Chad Degroot