Where are we headed: Maiden America 6?
Looks like QBMX X Profile Racing X FBM will be teaming up with another partner this fall to bring you stoke on the road. We’re hitting Eastern Colorado…a week of mile high acclimation and bmx. We’re getting excited, hope to see you on the road. Here’s a re-cap of MIA […]
Maiden America: Travel Advisory Edit.
Let’s get Freestyle! Profile x FBM x QBMX in Santa Cruz
The fifth annual Maiden America tour came through NorCal recently, featuring FBM, Profile, and QBP. We caught up with the dudes for two days in the Santa Cruz area, where we had an awesome session at the famous Buena Vista pool, the Harvey West pump track, and then hit some […]
Maiden America V: The Road Goes on Forever.
Every year for the past 5 years, FBM and Profile has teamed up with QBP to hit the road, looking for fun, in search of spots and anything we can find for the annual ‘Maiden America’ tour. This years tour takes us to Northern California with Matt Coplon, Jay Schlie, […]
Maiden America V: Vignettes of Being on the Road.
Ever have that trip you never want to end? Vignettes of being on the road: Maiden America V with Profile Racing, FBM Bike Co, and QBMX. 40+ photos and highlights from Vans Bicycle Center, Gearhead Bikes, and Calabazas Cyclery. Check it! https://digbmx.com/features/vignettes-of-being-on-the-road
Maiden America 5: NORCAL BOUND!
In less than a month… Will we see you? QBMX / Profile Racing / FBM Bmx on the road in Norcal.
FBM/Profile/QBMX: Lost in America Remix.
Steve Crandall remixed several of the FBM/Profile/QBMX Maiden America trips into another 5 minute mix. Where are we going next? Will we see you? Maiden America #5 in the works.
Maiden America: Raw cuts with FBM and QBMX
From Upstate NY, to the big cities (NYC/Philly), down to Richmond, Profile and FBM embark on Maiden America Tour IV, featuring clips (in order) of Cody Digs, Vic Bettencourt, Dillon Leeper, Dre Tylee, Shane Leeper, Dave Zovko, Eric Holladay, Declan Murray, Neil Hise, Steve Crandall, Joe Embry, Jay Schlie, Matt […]
Exiting through the Heliosphere: Maiden America IV
Best Road trip of the year! We’re really stoked on Dig featuring the Maiden America IV Raw Cuts and accompanying article and photo gallery. Get into our heads here. Thanks to Matt Coplon, Jay Schlie, Steve Crandall, Dillon and Shane Leeper, Eric Holladay, Dre Tylee, Seamus Mckeon, Neil Hise, Declan […]