
February 27, 2018

Profile’s Tech Tip #45: What is in a Profile Mini Rear Hub (14mm)?

Here is a photo with exploded images of the complete internals of a Profile Mini Rear hub.

As with all Profile Racing product, you can buy replacement parts for everything we make.

We also advise getting hub rebuilds done through your local bike shop as they have the proper press tools and technique.

Mini Explode #1

The Rear 14mm Mini Hub’s complete list of parts are below with directive arrows showing in which direction the parts should be mounted.

A. 14mm Nut

B. 14mm Washer

C. Non-Drive 14mm Jam Nut

D. Non-Drive 14mm Cone

E. 6903 Hub Body Bearing

F. 14mm Mini Axle 

G. Hub Shell with Ratchet Ring

Mini Explode #2 copy 2

H. Drive-Side 14mm jam Nut

I. 6802 Driver Bearing

J. Internal Driver Spacer

K. Unloaded driver

L. Cassette Driver Seal

M. Driver Shim


Mini Explode #3 copy 2

February 27, 2018


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.